Monday, November 3, 2008

Free skate this Saturday!

The last two weekends skates went so well we are doing it again.  We will be hosting a free skate this Saturday November 15 from 11am to 1pm.  This will take place at the Goldfields pond located at 1.5 mile of the Richardson Highway.  We will be providing skates, sticks and helmets on a first come first serve basis, weather permitting.  Questions email us at

Sunday, November 2, 2008

On Saturday, November 1, 2008 we hosted a skate and bonfire.  We had many in attendance.  We were able to use our donated skates, sticks and helmets donated to us by many hockey associations in Seattle.  We will try to keep the pond clear and skateable as long as possible.  

Monday, October 27, 2008

Bugdet Hearing Meeting

The Parks and Rec Commission has been very supportive and have made it official that they support our ice rink.  The Commission requested $25,000 to recost our current plans.  In December City Council will officially decide weather to give Parks and Rec that money.  We are requesting thank you notes be sent to City Council for considering this proposal.  Stay tuned for more information on the next meeting.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Parks and Rec Commission Meeting

Tonight, at 7:00 pm at the Civic Center, there will be a Parks and Rec Commission meeting.  In the meeting they will be officially making the Ice Rink their number one priority for the 2009 budget.  They will be requesting money from City Council, at a later date in October.  The Commission has requested community support.  All those wishing to support the Ice Rink should attend.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Ice Rink Meeting

We are trying very hard to get a covered ice assisted rink.  On Tuesday May 13th we had Joel Anderson come to an informational meeting with many of our Parks and Rec Commissioners.  We also had community members come.  The meeting was a success.  We would like to thank those who helped make this happen.  We can't do it with out the communities support.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Joel Anderson comes to Valdez

We are pleased to announce Joel Anderson will be coming to Valdez on Tuesday, May 13, for the Valdez Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting.  We welcome all those who are interested in having  a quality ice rink in Valdez to attend.  Joel Anderson has been a major part in building many ice rinks in the state of Alaska.  He will be giving us information on what we need to do in order to accomplish our goals.  

Thank you

The Valdez Amateur Hockey Association would like to thank all those in the Seattle Area for their generous contributions.  We express special thanks to The Seattle Junior Hockey Association, The Puget Sound Hockey Association and to all those individuals who donated gear.  We are very thankful and overwhelmed by your support.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Valdez Amateur Hockey Association was created on January 10, 2008. Our purpose is to make hockey and ice skating available to the youth and the general public of the Valdez community. For anyone interested in helping our cause please email us at

Our Bylaws

ARTICLE I. Name and Purpose

Section 1: The name of this organization shall be the Valdez Amateur Hockey Association or VAHA.

Section 2: The purpose of this organization is to make hockey and ice skating available to the youth and general public of the Valdez community.

ARTICLE II: Membership

Section 1: A general member is defined as any adult(s) who has a child registered or registered him/herself in the Valdez Amateur Hockey Association.

Section 2: General membership may be terminated by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 3: A membership year shall run from October 1st of one year through September 30th of the following year when membership shall terminate, unless renewed.

Article III. Special Membership

Section 1: A special member may be solicited from the community and may or may not be charged a nominal fee. These individuals are interested in the Valdez Amateur Hockey Association for what it provides our youth and the community.

Section 2: They are not active participants in the organization.

Section 3: They are not voting members at the annual meeting.

Section 4: Their length of membership shall run from October 1st of one year through September 30th of the following year when membership shall terminate, unless renewed.

Article IV. Advisory Membership

Section 1: Advisory members are nominated by VAHA General Board members and approved at a Board of Directors’ meeting by majority of those present.

Section 2: Advisory members are people, organizations or groups who are actively working within the VAHA organization or are financial supporters of VAHA. These members may or may not pay a fee as directed by the Board.

Section 3: Each individual or group will have one (1) vote at the annual General Membership meeting.

Section 4: The Board of Directors will review the list of Advisory members for their activity and association with VAHA in January of each year.

Article V. Officers and decision-making

Section 1: At its regular meeting during the month of January nominations of officers shall be submitted to board with an election of officers at the next general board meeting. The Board of Directors shall elect for the ensuing year a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and any other officers, as may be determined by the Board of Directors to be officially seated at the Annual Meeting in May. All officers must be members of the Board of Directors. Any officer who is not elected to the Board will automatically receive a one year term.

Section 2: The President shall preside at meetings of the Board of Directors. S/he shall generally perform the duties usual to the office of President and may, at his/her discretion, order the calling of meetings of the Board of Directors or of the committees of the Association. It shall also be the duty of the President immediately at the close of each Annual General Meeting to convoke a meeting of the Board of Directors in order to discuss the business of the forthcoming year. The President will name standing committee appointments at this time. The President shall exercise, in addition to the powers conferred upon him/her by the Charter, all duties and powers of the Board of Directors. S/he shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

Section 3: The Vice-President in the absence of the President shall have all the powers and perform all of the duties of the President. Vice President files and obtains paperwork for non-profit status, and works with the Treasurer in filing yearly taxes.

Section 4: The Secretary shall keep the records of the Association including updated by-laws, current Rules and Regulations, issue notices of all meetings, and perform the duties usual to this office.

Section 5: The Treasurer shall have the responsibility of receiving funds due to the Association, depositing them in the appropriate account, and paying rightful obligations of the Association. S/he shall maintain signatory authority on accounts with two signatures approved by the Board of Directors, or which any two must sign checks. Those who sign checks will be held personally responsible for the financial amount of the check if it is signed without a designated payee. The Treasurer shall, at regular General Board Meeting submit a written report to the membership regarding the financial affairs of this Association and a summary at the Annual General Membership Meeting. S/he shall furnish a surety bond on the members of this Association as the Board of Directors deem necessary, and the cost thereof will be paid by the Association. The Treasurer shall provide all information for and file the yearly income tax statement.

Section 6: In the event that any officer is unable to serve, for any reason, an interim replacement shall be designated from the Board of Directors by and s/he shall have all of the powers and perform all of the duties of the officer for up to sixty (60) days during which time the vacancy shall be announced and an election held by the Board of Directors.

Section 7: Committee’s shall be formed as needed by the Board of Directors. The head of the committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.

Section 8: The Board of Directors shall formulate, prescribe, alter and amend these by-laws, or Rules and Regulations for the government of this Association not inconsistent with the scope and provisions of the Charter. They may also add by-laws deemed necessary by the growth and change of this Association.

Article VI. Board of Directors

Section 1: The Board of Directors shall be a working board.

Section 2: The board of Directors shall be composed of a minimum of four members and a maximum of twenty members.

Section 3: The board of directors shall be elected at the annual meeting for two year terms.

Section 4: In the event a vacancy occurs, a replacement shall be elected by the remaining Directors to complete the remaining portion of the term. Replacement Directors may be elected by a majority vote of those Directors present at any regular meeting.

Section 5: Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the election of Directors to succeed themselves.

Section 6: A vacancy in the Board of Directors shall be recognized by resignation, death, removal for failure to discharge the normal duties of membership in the Board, or by appointment as covered by Section 4 above.

Section 7: The Board of Directors of this Association shall have the power to:

a. Formulate, prescribe, alter and amend these by-laws, or Rules and Regulations for the government of this Association not inconsistent with the scope and provisions of the bylaws.

b. Impose and enforce penalties for any violation of its by-laws, and Rules and Regulations.

c. Remove or remit any suspension of penalty that has been imposed by its officers or a committee.

d. Forthwith remove from office any officer by a two-thirds majority vote.

e. Fill a vacancy on this Board caused by the resignation, or expulsion, or withdrawal, or appointment of any director at the next regular meeting.

f. Appoint subcommittees from its membership or otherwise employ individuals for the handling of special or specified business.

g. Establish and collect fees and funds of the Association and direct the expenditure of moneys.

h. Interpret, define, and explain all of the provisions of by-laws, and Rules and Regulations.

i. Call any necessary special meetings not fixed by the bylaws.

j. Have immediate access on demand of the President, to all books, vouchers, receipts, and records generally pertaining to the finance and operation of the Association.

k. The Board of Directors shall receive a copy of the financial statement (Balance Sheet and Operation Statement) of the Association quarterly. The Board of Directors shall also receive a copy of the Association’s proposed operating budget within the sixty (60) days following the Annual Meeting.

l. Adoption of a program to screen coaches, assistant coaches, and volunteers.

Section 8: Two-thirds of the members of the Board of Directors present or represented by proxy shall constitute a quorum at a Board meeting.

Section 9: There shall be at least one meeting of the Board of Directors annually.

Section 10: Resignations. All resignations shall be made in writing and addressed to the President

Article VII. Meetings

Section 1: The Annual Meeting of the Membership will be held in May of each year.

Section 2: Special meeting of this Association may be called by simple majority of the Board of Directors, by phone, or by notice, in writing, to the President with not less than seven (7) days notice to all members. The notice of such meetings must contain the date and place of the meeting and the object thereof.

Section 3: One-twentieth (1/20) of the membership can call for a special meeting of the membership.

Section 4: Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held Quarterly or more as established at the Annual Meeting.

Article VIII. Financial

Section 1: The fiscal year of the Association shall end April 30th of each year.

Section 2: All fees, and the time for payment thereof, shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

Section 3: Whenever two-thirds of the Board of Directors determine that the general interest of the Association so require, the Association may borrow money in amounts to be determined by two-thirds of the Board of Directors, and issue its promissory note or bond for repayment thereof with interest, and may, in like case, mortgage its property, if any as security for its debts or other lawful engagements